Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Kept From the Truth Because They Know Not Where To Find It..." (D&C 123:12)

The following post is a response to a comment a received not along ago regarding truth.

Dear Anonymous Bradley

To begin, I apologize for not replying last night when I initially read your comment. I felt the need to sleep on it and approach it with a clear head. That being said I also apologize for the length of this reply, I have spent some time thinking about what you have said and naturally, as I do with all my blog posts, I try to see it from every angle.

Thank you for your comment. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you read and enjoy my blog. It means a lot to hear from readers like you. It especially means a lot because the opinion you expressed is not one that I am used to hearing. I have come to appreciate very much, those that think and don’t take what they are told at face value. I believe that’s how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is. He always wanted people thinking outside of their comfort zones.

Honestly I agree with you on many things. Though I would not go as far to say that Joseph Smith preached false doctrine (I would be really interested in discussing civilly what facets of teachings you label as such). I personally think that at times he may have preached his opinion as opposed to the inspired word of the Lord. Because, not in spite, of my personal study, I believe that he was a prophet of God who was called to restore the Church with all the truth people are seeking, to the earth. With that out of the way I also believe as you, that he was human and that some of the things he said proved that. I think when we, as latter day saints hear things like that our knee jerk reaction is to deny it and yell “no your wrong.” I had a New Testament professor proclaim in class that Jesus was an impoverished peasant from Galilee and people automatically denied it. But it’s true. Historically speaking, that’s what he was.

Now to address your comment on truth. I think a lot of Latter Day Saints feel if they have an opinion opposite to what some general authority has said it is a sin and they must take it to their grave, never to be uttered in the light of day. This way of thinking is very ludicrous to me .For example, on occasion I wear a beautiful, dainty silver cross around my neck. Now there have been some general authorities that have suggested we focus more on the Resurrection as opposed to His death but to me this cross that I wear symbolizes both. It also reminds of all that my Lord and Savior has done with me and if anyone were to call me on it I would simply explain that. I like to think that the Savior himself would have worn one merely to make people re-evaluate their perceptions of weather it’s okay to wear or not.

I think a lot of people do “run from the truth” as you put it because they feel like doubting their faith at some point or another is a sin. I have had a few good wake up calls as I’ve personally studied work of non-LDS New Testament scholars. What is important to remember is that sometimes you’re wrong. Sometimes some things that you’ve grown up being told your whole life are wrong. Granted I have not stumbled across anything that has challenged a core doctrine of my faith that has caused me to question my membership in this church. However, I have been led to define my faith. What exactly do I believe in? Am I going to let this get under my skin or am I going to check multiple sources to develop my own opinion? The great thing about our Father is that He never asked us to follow blindly. We are always admonished in the scriptures to seek learning “by study and also by faith”

This vaguely reminds me of the Bread of Life sermon that is found in the New Testament Book of John. The writer of the Gospel of John loved to portray Jesus as the religious revolutionary that caused great divisions in the crowds that he taught and encountered. One of his main points was that those who Jesus taught could not understand what He was teaching because Jesus was a being of light, of the world above and they were beings of the world below, blinded by darkness. This is very evident in the Bread of Life sermon. To paraphrase, some of the crowd understands that He is not talking about literally eating His flesh and drinking His blood. However, most interpret His words literally and think He is referring to cannibalism. As those who used to follow Him so devoutly leave He turns to His disciples and asks if they will leave Him too. Peter’s response is perhaps one of my favorite in all of scripture “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of Eternal life” (John 6:68).

At times we will come across things that shake our faith. It is healthy. It strengthens our faith and our loyalty to the master if we can accept what we have discovered. Even if it’s merely accepting that there is a difference in opinion. Again I am so grateful for you comment and apologize for the length of mine. May God bless you now and always, until you read again.



Anonymous said...

Hi haley
first of all i apologize for being annonymous but that is how it seems this blog site allows me to post.
I have been reading your blogs for about 5 months I think, and my name is Bradley.
I back you 100 percent on stopping a sleeping on things. from my experience it is the wisest thing to do.

I take my own and others spiritual lives very seriously, I am aiming at the celestial kingdom, have done since a young age.

I have lived and virtually given my life to know God and jesus and brother Joseph, and I have always felt that brother Joseph was a relatively pure spirit. I sometimes feel a love for him as i study out his words and church history. Some presnt books I am reading are The words of Joseph Smith, Encyclopidia of Joseph Smiths teachings, In sacred loneliness, and passing the heavenly gift.

I posted up because you are someone that stands up for your beliefs and makes an effort to study out the words of the Gospel.

Your devotion is pleasing and I like it.

I would be pleased to share where I have been shown the errors in doctrine.
I dont speak lightly amd in fact i wont even post anything publicly at present, because many souls need to be right where they are in the church, and I dont desire to shake their faith.

When we are spiritually young, and building a foundation in the spirit and knowledge of God, and we get inspired to join the lLDS church, that is because we need to be there.

that doesnt mean every part of the doctrine is true.
i dont know this when until the spirit showed it to me.
i had to obey all the light in the church for the spirit of God to show me where falsehoods exist.

So I wrote to your future self, as well as your present, so that if and as you become aware that not everything is true, you can understand why and keep your fiath in God, in the path of faith, and in the leading of His spirit.

I'll keep reading, and please dont apologize for not getting back to me quickly.

I dont want to pull you down either, its really Gospel love and care.

God bless your walk


Haley Wilson-Lemmon said...


Thank you again for your response. I hope some day to read all the books that you have mentioned. I am currently working on preparing for a mission and as a result am studying books that help me draw closer to my Savior (I just finished Elder Holland's knew book : Finding Solace from the Psalms). I strongly recommend it as it is both scholarly and devotional. I recently started reading David A. Bednar's book: Increase in Learning (also strongly recommended).

If you would like to email me so we can converse on these sensitive topics more freely feel free to do so:

Good day and God bless you


Haley Wilson-Lemmon said...

Also your emailed question is easily explained. The author of Matthew lists Joseph's geneology because in Matthew's infancy narrative we read that Joseph named Jesus. In 1st century Jewish tradition if a man wanted to adopt a child he would name him. That would adopt him into his family and into his genological line. Thus Joseph's geneology listed at the beginning is, because of Jewish tradition, Jesus' line too. Making Him a descendent of David.

Haley Wilson-Lemmon said...

Bradley, this is for you. Read it.

All The Best,

Anonymous said...

Hi Haley, Youll get this after your mission I suppose.
I read the article you posted, the message was varied, but not for me.

Both Jesus and John the Baptist would be turmed to that article by those who seek to maintan the status quo. Like wise Jospeh Smith. It doesnt always apply.
While the young in spirit do confuse their own ego, revelation, pride, studies, etc, and become misled, I have not done that, nor been divisive, but only sought to show you the future you may have to face.
There are two truths relevent to our salvation all times.
1. What we need to be doing for our salvation.
2. The absolute truth.
We fulfill number 1 while learning about number 2. But heaven on earth, (A Zion) cannot come about without we work at number 2.
God bless your walk as you take on His nature.
Brother Bradley

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