I intended to do this post some time ago but felt I needed to take time to ponder the subject and really figure out how I was going to present to the readers of my blog. The shooting in Connecticut was tragic indeed. It is one of those moments in our history where we realize just how wicked the world is becoming and how badly people need God in their lives. As has been anticipated, there has been political back lash regarding gun control from the left and the right side of the aisle. However, I am not going to discuss the politics from a Latter Day Saint perspective. Rather I am going to talk about an aspect of my religion that gives me hope regarding the children that were killed that day.
First, recall in the New Testament when Christ is teaching His disciples in Matthew 18:3 we read "except ye be converted and become a little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." and continued in verse 4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." I invite you to ponder for a moment on the humility of the little children in your life. How sweet and innocent they are. Indeed I often feel that in interacting with small children we come to know the ways of our Savior just a little bit better for they are fresh from His presence.
Another instance of the importance of little children in the plan of salvation is seen in the Book of Mormon. In the crowning even of this other testament of Jesus Christ the Master Himself visits that people of the Americas in the flesh. As he teaches among the people he commands them to bring their little ones forward. We read "And it came to pass that when they had all been brought, and Jesus stood in the midst, he commanded that multitude that they should kneel down upon the ground... and he took their little children one by one and blessed them and prayed unto the Father for them.. and angels did minister unto them" (see 3 Nephi 17). Perhaps the sweetest aspect of this account is the fact that the Savior took them "one by one" on an individual basis and blessed them and prayed for them. We even read that He wept over them. I am certain that the day of the shooting the Savior wept as the little children were killed. Yet the Book of Mormon also teaches us that "the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory, and he doth suffer that they may do this thing, or that the people may do this thing unto them, according to the hardness of their hearts, that the judgement which he shall exercise upon them in his wrath may be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them at the last day." (Alma 14:11) Essentially, God allows bad things to happen to good people that He might judge the wicked with justice and we know that the little children dwell with Him in the paradise of God.
The final doctrine that brings me such great hope as we grieve the loss of those sweet spirits from this world. In D&C 137 we read of the qualifications and blessings of the Celestial Kingdom which, from previous posts, we know to be the highest degree of glory where the righteous will go to dwell with a loving and all powerful Heavenly Father. In this chapter we read "All children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the Celestial kingdom of heaven" Thus these children who lost their lives are now dwelling with God in his Eternal glory. I hope that this post has brought you some peace. That it has helped you see the peace that the Gospel can bring to your lives. I pray that God comforts you as go throughout this New Year. May He bless you this year and all the rest of your lives my dear readers. Until you read again.
Dear Sister Haley
I have been reading your posts regularly and have been impressed with your devotion and personal application to our Faith.
I too have been as you and my devout studies and pursuit of truth has shown me that some of the doctrines Brother Joseph's taught are actually false.
This doesnt mean he was evil or intended to mislead, only that he was human.
In time you may come to see this also. It isnt much fun, but God is still God.
I belive that if you are sincere and honest, you will have no reason to run from the truth, no matter what it is.
Because of the length of my response to your comment I had to reply in the form of a post. All the Best.
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