Monday, August 13, 2012

"All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience" (D&C 122:7)

I am changing my tone a little bit for this post. Normally my posts are very intellectual drawing on scriptures and logic to explain doctrinal concept that I see as rather controversial in the world of religion that mingles to often with personal opinion and hostility. Today's post is founded upon an email I sent to a very dear friend some time ago who is now serving a mission for our Lord and Savior (and doing a good job of it too). I pray that you, my dear reader can be uplifted by it just as I pray he was uplifted by it.

I know life can be hard; believe me I know. But I can personally testify that through the grace of our Savior and his atonement,  just as I have, you can once again find the peace that comes from living a life shoulder to shoulder with Him. The experiences of this past year (I can without a doubt say that it has been one of great adversity but also great growth for me) have shown me numerous things that I thought I knew but I guess never fully understood. There are four thoughts that I wish to share with you. Four lessons that I believe will help you get through whatever difficulties you are currently facing and aid you the rest of your life. Just as they have helped me once again refocus my gaze on what really matters.

1. Happiness is a Choice
Its such a simple concept but is so life changing when embraced and fully understood. It is what has gotten me out of the darkness that I've been wandering through for what felt like an eternity. I woke up a recent morning and I made the decision that I wouldn't let past mistakes hurt me any longer. I'm going to be happy. I am blessed in so many ways and it is a disservice to myself to not acknowledge all that He has given me. I am going to serve a mission. Not just a literal, go out into the field and serve, kind of mission. My life is going to be a mission for Him. We cannot be properly receptive to the Holy Ghost when we let darkness and despair dampen our vision of Eternal Life with our loving Heavenly Father. I have learned the hard way how it feels to be far from the Lord and I can testify that it is not a place of happiness or joy. The scriptures tells us "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve" (Joshua 24:15) Choose to serve the Lord my dear readers. That includes choosing to rejoice in this beautiful life he has given us. The Savior suffered to cover all our pains, disappointments, sins, and yes even our broken hearts. The only thing that is truly ours to give is our will, with the debt to Him that we have accumulated, I can think of no better way to repay Him than by living a joyful, service-filled life. I pray you go about your life with the desire to be happy and a yearning to bring others that happiness. Therein embodies that joy of the Celestial Kingdom and a life with our Lord.

2. Be Not Afraid
Fear, such a corrosive emotion. It decays the spirit and imprisons the mind. It can swallow even the faintest gleam of hope if we do not face it and learn to replace it with faith. The scriptures teach us "the Lord did not give us a spirit of doubt or of fear" (2 Timothy 1:7). I loved that scripture when I first read it eight years ago and I love it even more now. What we feel when we look at ourselves and say that we are not good enough... that we are not worth it... that we cannot do it... is not from God but from Satan, the father of all lies. I'm sure all of you know this. But do you know it. Do you believe it with all that you are? Do you truly understand the contrast between the dark, foreboding grip of the adversary and the gentle, inviting embrace of the Spirit? I pray that you do. If not, I implore you to never cease to ask the Lord for His Spirit to be constantly with you. When He leaves, when we allow the troubles of life to turn our gaze away from Him, it is like we are engulfed in a storm from which there is no harbor. Our sails must be ever raised in the name of our God. In the midst of the pelting hail we must turn our gaze heavenward and cry for the Lord's guidance. He will not leave us comfortless. Even when it seems that there is no comfort to be had. We must press on. Christ is the ultimate example. Even though he had every power to stop the pain of the atonement He chose to do His Father's will. I pray that we be just like Him. May we, in the midst of our pain, always look up towards heaven and know that Christ is never far way. As you go forward be not afraid my friend. "Weeping endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning" (Psalms 30:5). Always remember that no matter how harsh our storms may seem if we do not turn our back on Him, He will never cease to be with us.

3. Love, Even in Loss
 I have never been one to simply lay down and let the adversary have his way with me. Eventually, after all the blows I've taken this past year, I got up. I don't think I got up spiritually until recently but the day we said goodbye, I physically and literally made the choice to pick myself up and go on. I honestly believe that I didn't start becoming my old self again until I started to really love those around me. Previously I selfishly wished that someone would just take my hand and tell me everything was going to be alright. Then, I started noticing the need to take the hands of others and be the comfort that they needed. Have I always done it willingly, no. But gradually, as I've prayed for opportunities the Lord has brought people to me that could use my help and influence. I don't pretend to be the answer to all their problems but I pray that like you are going to be, I can be an instrument in the Lord's hands. Just remember that even when we fail, lose someone or something we love, or feel as if we just can't go on, reach out. Think of the hymn "Because I Have Been Give Much". “Because I have been given much I too must give.” How selfish is it to expect everyone else to give to us when there are so many which need our love and companionship. I pray that as you go about your life you reach out in love. No matter how difficult or monotonous the days may seem, no matter how unsuccessful you may feel, even if you come to regret any of your past decisions never forget to love with all that you have. Have charity my friends, “it never faileth” (1 Corinthians 13:8) and if you are found possessed of it, neither will you.

4. Some Times the Brightest Rainbows Only Come After the Harshest Storms
How merciful the Lord is my friend. It took until a short time ago for me to realize that it was all in my hands. That I could spend my days wallowing in thoughts of what could have been or pick myself up and strive to notice the rainbows. As a child I always loved the spectra of light that represented a wonderful promise from God; a promise that he would never again flood the Earth. I think in many forms, He sends us spiritual rainbows, beautiful reminders that if we will but be obedient and always live for Him that our lives will not always be flooded with adversity and trials. He does not promise that there will never be rain, He simply assures us that we will never be engulfed in a storm that He will not help us through. I think it is absolutely magnificent. Moroni reminds us that the Lord's grace is sufficient for all men (Ether 12:27). I have a firm testimony of this and all I have told you. He lives and He lives to call us back to Him. He did not send us here to fail. He sent us here to live, to learn, to grow, and above all, to succeed. Remember that as you live for Him my friend. Remember it as you teach those whom God has prepared for you. Never forget that the sun always comes with the dawn, that at some point the clouds break to show the sky again. Endure. Endure with faith. Endure with patience. Endure with love. Look for life's rainbows and strive always to stand tall in the storms.

I do not pretend to understand any portion of the ways of the Lord. I am far from perfect and far from making it back to our Father in Heaven. But I have a testimony; a testimony of the power of adversity and trials to help us grow; a testimony of the power of the priesthood and the reality of our Lord. I know He lives. What a comforting concept! What a joyous proclamation. I pray my dear reader that you study the scriptures with diligence for they are the words of God. Pray with sincerity, for the Lord hears and answers your prayers. Serve with charity, have patience in affliction, let virtue garnish your thoughts and actions, accept the Lord's will with humility, strive for godliness, seek wisdom, gain knowledge both of spiritual and secular things, endure with temperance, and above all feed your faith. As you go throughout your life never forget what your trials have taught you. The Lord is always there even when we choose to turn our back on him. He believes in you, He loves you, and He waits for you. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that Christ lives for He is my rock and my companion. I bear witness of the Holy Ghost and his ability to guide us in all the ways of righteousness. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, feast upon its pages, there is no greater joy then understanding and becoming more like Him. I know that this church is led by a prophet, heed his words and you will face all things in this life with courage and strength. I pray that you accept all things that the Lord places before you and always have the faith to say "thy will be done." I hope you are well. I hope you are noticing the Lord's hand in your life and preparing with real intent to serve with the purpose of bringing salvation to those you will meet. You have been called and chosen. Thrust in your sickle with all your might and reap the rewards of a life deserving of all the Father hath. I leave these things with you in the name of our Lord, our Savior and Redeemer, our God and our King, even Jesus the Christ, Amen.

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