Sunday, August 19, 2012

“I Beheld Satan as Lightning Fall From Heaven” (Luke 10:18)

To recap what was previously discussed we have come to the agreement that we are all children of God (see previous post) and that our loving Father in Heaven sent us here to Earth, at our own consent, that we could be tried and tested and eventually become like Him. We touched briefly on how we all chose to come here which is something intend to recap again but in this particular post I want to discuss with you the first phase of the plan of Salvation, the question “where did I come from?” The answer is in a concept very familiar to Latter Day Saints but rather foreign to many other religious groups: that is the concept of a pre-existence.

Many individual’s first question might be to ask: “Well where is the pre-existence talked about in the Bible?” I invite you inquisitive readers to turn to Revelation 12. Here we read “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven“ (Revelation 12:7-8). The war in Heaven resulted because of a plan; even the great plan of Happiness. The idea of it was simple. Each of us would go down and get a body; a physical, more body of flesh and blood. We would be tested to see if we would do “all things which the Lord would command” (Abraham 3:25). The Lord decaled that goal of His plan when He said “For behold, this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).  Yet there was one who opposed this plan. In our culture today he is known as the devil, Satan, the Father of Lies, and the Prince of Darkness. Yet in the councils of Heaven he was Lucifer, the Son of the Morning. He held a position of authority and power there.

When God the Father presented his plan Lucifer stepped forward offering an alternative. A plan that would assure that each of us would make it back to Heaven, to our Father, and receive Eternal Life. Yet there was a catch. A “it’s-to-good-to-be-true-and-here’s-why” problem. Lucifer wanted to revoke our agency. He wanted to force us to follow God and his commandment. To top it off he wanted the glory to be his. Then Christ, even Jesus came forward saying “Here am I, send me’ (Abraham 3:27) and the glory would be the Fathers. Thus a war broke out in Heaven and many followed after Lucifer and were cast out of Heaven, never to inherit bodies or the joys that would come from living God’s plan.  Christ testifies of this Luke 10:18 when he says “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven”.  The Lord teaches further of this casting out in the book of Doctrine and Covenants when He says “… the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying ‘Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turn he away from me because of their agency. And they were thrust down and thus came the devil and his angels” (D&C 29:36-37)

Yet since this is, for the most part, strictly Latter Day Saint doctrine, let us take a moment to look at the other book that Latter Day Saints revere as scripture: The Book of Mormon. If you haven’t noticed I have been placing great emphasis on our ability to choose, formally known as free agency. The Book of Mormon has some great verse on this concept. First turn to 2 Nephi. Here Lehi, a prophet of the Book of Mormon,  is imparting his dying words  to his family. He teaches “Men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them, which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death according to the captivity and power of the devil” (2 Nephi 2:27). When Satan was cast out of Heaven became miserable and wishes to make us miserable like unto himself. The best way he can do that is to tempt us to mess up so badly that there is no way we can return to the presence of God.  To keep us from the reward that he chose to forego so long ago before Adam and Eve ever existed upon the Earth that we know today.

To summarize, we all existed with our Father in Heaven in a spirit world before this life. Unlike our father we did not have flesh or bone but we desired it. Because of our Father’s love for us he presented a beautiful plan known as the Plan of Happiness. This plan involved us coming down to Earth, being tested and tried to prove our faithfulness, and then returning to live with God again. Yet Satan, then Lucifer, came forward and offered an alternative plan wanting to claim all the glory for himself. He plan was so enticing that many chose to follow him and they, along with him were eventually cast out of heaven and now stand in opposition to all God’s children, hoping to make us miserable like they are. Yet there is one, rather interesting question that arises from all this discussion and it is my closing point for this point. Why don’t we remember all of this?

The answer is a scriptural one. When we passed from our pre-earth life to this one we passed through a veil. In Ecclesiastes 1:11 we are informed of the consequences of this passage: “There is no remembrance of former things, neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.”  In the scriptures a veil, as in the veil of the temple, often symbolizes a separation from God. This veil separates from all former memories that we have God. That is why we need the Gospel, to remember what we have forgotten and to guide us back to the truth that we once knew. Yet don’t take my word for it. There is a link up above that will take you to a website where you can contact the missionaries. They spend all their time preparing to teach people like you to learn these doctrines. Contact them and build upon the knowledge I have shared with you, hearing from those God has prepared to teach you. Next time we will discuss further of the Plan, talking about the creation and the Fall as viewed by Latter Day Saints and how this all fits into this perfect plan. I pray that you have been sufficiently fed and enlightened by these words of truth. I personally testify that they are true, may God, our Father who loves you with an infinite love, bless you  now and always, until you read again. 

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